Take a look back on the recent release

I’ve recently released a cloud service as beta.

This is the “Pause and Ponder” of that event, for tha last 4 months or so.


The two weeks before the release was deadly. I never want to forget how much of efforts I put in.

The strain presented itself physically in two ways which I’ve never experienced before.

Deadline almost killed me but help came in clutch. Phew!


Never multi-task.

Was never worth it.

Sort priorities and use time wisely.

Surround yourself with people whom you respect.

It makes you feel like you are like them. It empowers you.

Imitate the way they think. Fake it till you make it, as cheesy as it sounds.

What I truly want to do?

I found myself feeling sort of hollow when I realized by the fact that the software I built and released only solves abstract problem. It is a cloud infrastructure, not for non-tech users.

From the beginning of my SWE career, I’ve always been wanting to create cloud infrastructure as a service.

Now that I’ve officially done it, at least currently, I don’t see myself wanting to keep doing the same.

Software engineering is fun and exciting, but I might as well want to solve more concrete, relatable problems so that working as a SWE makes me feel like I’m making the world a better place.

What kind of problems specifically? To that question I don’t have an answer yet.

The show must go on…

As it must :)